- /******************************************************************************
- ----------------本例程仅供学习使用,未经作者允许,不得用于其他用途。-----------
- ------------------------版权所有,仿冒必究!-----------------------------------
- ----------------1.开发环境:Arduino IDE-----------------------------------------
- ----------------2.测试使用开发板型号:Arduino Leonardo or Arduino UNO R3-------
- ----------------3.单片机使用晶振:16M------------------------------------------
- ----------------5.作者:神秘藏宝室---------------------------------------------
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include "RC522.h"
- #include <SPI.h>
- #define Relay 2
- //4 bytes Serial number of card, the 5 bytes is verfiy bytes
- unsigned char serNum[5];
- void setup()
- {
- Serial.begin(9600);
- Serial.print("Ilovemcu.taobao.com");
- pinMode(Relay,OUTPUT);
- SPI.begin();
- pinMode(chipSelectPin,OUTPUT); // Set digital pin 10 as OUTPUT to connect it to the RFID /ENABLE pin
- digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, LOW); // Activate the RFID reader
- pinMode(NRSTPD,OUTPUT); // Set digital Reset , Not Reset and Power-down
- MFRC522_Init(); //初始化RFID
- }
- void loop()
- {
- unsigned char status;
- unsigned char str[MAX_LEN];
- // Search card, return card types
- status = MFRC522_Request(PICC_REQIDL, str);
- if (status == MI_OK) //读取到ID卡时候
- {
- // Show card type
- //ShowCardType(str);
- //Prevent conflict, return the 4 bytes Serial number of the card
- status = MFRC522_Anticoll(str);
- // str[0..3]: serial number of the card
- // str[4]: XOR checksum of the SN.
- if (status == MI_OK)
- {
- memcpy(serNum, str, 5);
- Serial.print("ID:");
- ShowCardID(serNum);
- // Check people associated with card ID
- unsigned char* id = serNum;
- if( id[0]==0xed && id[1]==0x34 && id[2]==0xfa && id[3]==0x95 )
- {
- digitalWrite(Relay,HIGH); //打开继电器
- Serial.println("The Host 1!");
- }
- else if(id[0]==0x4C && id[1]==0xB3 && id[2]==0x74 && id[3]==0x19)
- {
- digitalWrite(Relay,LOW); //继电器
- Serial.println("The Host 2!");
- }
- else
- {
- Serial.println("Stranger!");
- }
- }
- }
- MFRC522_Halt(); //command the card into sleep mode
- delay(100);
- }
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