- /*
- * SD模块测试程序
- *
- * 用途:SD模块测试程序
- *
- * 作者 日期 备注
- * Huafeng Lin 20010/10/03 新增
- * Huafeng Lin 20010/10/03 修改
- *
- */
- #include "REG52.H"
- ////////////////////////****************/
- unsigned char *SDInfo1="SD Init Success.";
- unsigned char *SDInfo2="SD Init Fail.";
- unsigned int xdata ReadBuffer[128] ;
- unsigned int xdata WriteBuffer[128] ;
- unsigned int BlockSize;
- unsigned long int BlockNR;
- //sbit sd_clk=P3^2;
- //sbit sd_cse=P3^0;
- //sbit sd_dai=P3^3; //Do
- //sbit sd_dao=P3^1; //DI
- sbit sd_cse=P1^0;
- sbit sd_dao=P1^1;//DI
- sbit sd_clk=P1^2;
- sbit sd_dai=P1^3;//Do
- void Delay5us()
- {
- unsigned char a=0;
- for(a=0;a<40;a++)
- ;
- }
- //********************************************
- void SD_2Byte_Write(unsigned int IOData)
- {
- unsigned char BitCounter;
- for (BitCounter=0;BitCounter<16;BitCounter++)
- {
- sd_clk=0;//CLK Low
- if(IOData&0x8000)//If the MSB of IOData is 1, then Do=1, else Do=0.
- sd_dao=1;//Do High
- else
- sd_dao=0;//Do Low
- sd_clk=1;//CLK High
- Delay5us();
- IOData=IOData<<1;//Because the MSB is transmitted firstly, shift to next lower bit.
- }
- }
- //********************************************
- void SD_Write(unsigned int IOData)
- {
- unsigned char BitCounter;
- IOData=IOData<<8;
- for (BitCounter=0;BitCounter<8;BitCounter++)
- {
- sd_clk=0;//CLK Low
- if(IOData&0x8000)//If the MSB of IOData is 1, then Do=1, else Do=0.
- sd_dao=1;//Do High
- else
- sd_dao=0;//Do Low
- sd_clk=1;//CLK High
- Delay5us();
- IOData=IOData<<1;//Because the MSB is transmitted firstly, shift to next lower bit.
- }
- }
- //********************************************
- unsigned int SD_2Byte_Read()
- {
- unsigned int Buffer;
- unsigned char BitCounter;
- Buffer=0;
- for (BitCounter=0;BitCounter<16;BitCounter++)
- {
- sd_clk=0;//CLK Low
- Delay5us();
- sd_clk=1;//CLK High
- Buffer=Buffer<<1;//Because the MSB is transmitted firstly, shift to next lower bit.
- //Because the LSB will be damaged, we can not put this line under next line.
- if(sd_dai)
- Buffer++;//If SPI_Din=1 then the LSB_of_Buffer=1.
- }
- return Buffer;
- }
- //********************************************
- unsigned int SD_Read()
- {
- unsigned int Buffer;
- unsigned char BitCounter;
- Buffer=0xffff;
- for (BitCounter=0;BitCounter<8;BitCounter++)
- {
- sd_clk=0;//CLK Low
- Delay5us();
- sd_clk=1;//CLK High
- Buffer=Buffer<<1;//Because the MSB is transmitted firstly, shift to next lower bit.
- //Because the LSB will be damaged, we can not put this line under next line.
- if(sd_dai)
- Buffer++;//If SPI_Din=1 then the LSB_of_Buffer=1.
- }
- return Buffer;
- }
- //********************************************
- unsigned int SD_CMD_Write(unsigned int CMDIndex,unsigned long CMDArg,unsigned int ResType,unsigned int CSLowRSV)//ResType:Response Type, send 1 for R1; send 2 for R1b; send 3 for R2.
- { //There are 7 steps need to do.(marked by [1]-[7])
- unsigned int temp,Response,Response2,CRC,MaximumTimes;
- Response2=0;
- MaximumTimes=10;
- CRC=0x0095;//0x0095 is only valid for CMD0
- if (CMDIndex!=0) CRC=0x00ff;
- sd_cse=0;//[1] CS Low
- SD_2Byte_Write(((CMDIndex|0x0040)<<8)+(CMDArg>>24));//[2] Transmit Command_Index & 1st Byte of Command_Argument.
- SD_2Byte_Write((CMDArg&0x00ffff00)>>8); //[2] 2nd & 3rd Byte of Command_Argument
- SD_2Byte_Write(((CMDArg&0x000000ff)<<8)+CRC); //[2] 4th Byte of Command_Argument & CRC only for CMD0
- sd_dao=1;//[3] Do High
- //[3] Restore Do to High Level
- for (temp=0;temp<8;temp++)//[4] Provide 8 extra clock after CMD
- {
- sd_clk=0;//CLK Low
- Delay5us();
- sd_clk=1;//CLK High
- Delay5us();
- }
- switch (ResType)//[5] wait response
- {
- case 1://R1
- {
- do
- Response=SD_Read();
- while (Response==0xffff);
- break;
- }
- case 2://R1b
- {
- do
- Response=SD_Read();
- while (Response==0xffff);//Read R1 firstly
- do
- Response2=SD_Read()-0xff00;
- while (Response2!=0);//Wait until the Busy_Signal_Token is non-zero
- break;
- }
- case 3: Response=SD_2Byte_Read();break;//R2
- }
- if (CSLowRSV==0) sd_cse=1;//[6] CS High (if the CMD has data block response CS should be kept low)
- for (temp=0;temp<8;temp++)//[7] Provide 8 extra clock after card response
- {
- sd_clk=0;//CLK Low
- Delay5us();
- sd_clk=1;//CLK High
- Delay5us();
- }
- return Response;
- }
- //********************************************
- unsigned int SD_Reset_Card()
- {
- unsigned int temp,MaximumTimes;
- MaximumTimes=10;
- for (temp=0;temp<80;temp++)//Send 74+ Clocks
- {
- sd_clk=0;//CLK Low
- Delay5us();
- sd_clk=1;//CLK High
- Delay5us();
- }
- return SD_CMD_Write(0x0000,0x00000000,1,0);//Send CMD0
- }
- //********************************************
- unsigned int SD_Initiate_Card()//Polling the card after reset
- {
- unsigned int temp,Response,MaximumTimes;
- MaximumTimes=50;
- for(temp=0;temp<MaximumTimes;temp++)
- {
- Response=SD_CMD_Write(0x0037,0x00000000,1,0);//Send CMD55
- Response=SD_CMD_Write(0x0029,0x00000000,1,0);//Send ACMD41
- if (Response==0xff00)
- temp=MaximumTimes;
- }
- return Response;
- }
- //********************************************
- unsigned int SD_Get_CardInfo()//Read CSD register
- {
- unsigned int temp,Response,MaximumTimes;
- MaximumTimes=50;
- for(temp=0;temp<MaximumTimes;temp++)
- {
- Response=SD_CMD_Write(9,0x00000000,1,1);//Send CMD9
- if (Response==0xff00)
- temp=MaximumTimes;
- }
- for (temp=0;temp<8;temp++)//Provide 8 clock to romove the first byte of data response (0x00fe)
- {
- sd_clk=0;//CLK Low
- Delay5us();
- sd_clk=1;//CLK High
- Delay5us();
- }
- for (temp=0;temp<8;temp++) ReadBuffer[temp]=SD_2Byte_Read();//Get the CSD data
- for (temp=0;temp<16;temp++)//Provide 16 clock to remove the last 2 bytes of data response (CRC)
- {
- sd_clk=0;//CLK Low
- Delay5us();
- sd_clk=1;//CLK High
- Delay5us();
- }
- sd_cse=1;//CS_High()
- for (temp=0;temp<8;temp++)//Provide 8 extra clock after data response
- {
- sd_clk=0;//CLK Low
- Delay5us();
- sd_clk=1;//CLK High
- Delay5us();
- }
- BlockNR=((ReadBuffer[3]<<2)&0x0fff)+((ReadBuffer[4]>>14)&0x0003)+1;//Calcuate MULT
- BlockNR=BlockNR*(0x0002<<(((ReadBuffer[4]<<1)&0x0007)+((ReadBuffer[5]>>15)&0x0001)+1));//Calcuate Block_Number
- return Response;
- }
- //********************************************
- unsigned int SD_Overall_Initiation()
- {
- unsigned int Response,Response_2;
- Response=0x0000;
- Response_2=0xff00;
- sd_dao=1;//[1] Do High
- //[1] Do must be High when there is no transmition
- do
- Response=SD_Reset_Card();//[2] Send CMD0
- while (Response!=0xff01);
- if (Response!=0xff01) Response_2+=8;
- //Response=SD_CMD_Write(8,0x00000000,1,0);//Send CMD8
- Response=SD_Initiate_Card();//[3] Send CMD55+ACMD41
- if (Response==0xff00)
- ;
- else
- {
- Response_2+=4;
- ;
- }
- do
- Response=SD_Get_CardInfo();//[4] Read CSD
- while (Response!=0xff00);
- if (Response==0xff01) Response_2+=2;
- return Response_2;
- // 0000|0000||0000|0000 Response_2
- // |||_CSD Fail
- // ||__CMD55+ACMD41 Fail
- // |___CMD0 Fail
- }
- //********************************************
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