- /*************** writer:shopping.w ******************/
- #include <reg52.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #define uchar unsigned char
- #define uint unsigned int
- void Initialize_LCD();
- void ShowString(uchar,uchar,uchar *);
- sbit K1 = P3^0;
- sbit K2 = P3^1;
- sbit K3 = P3^2;
- uchar code Prompt[]="PRESS K1--K4 TO START DEMO PROG";
- uchar const Line_Count = 6;
- uchar code Msg[][80]=
- {
- "Many CAD users dismiss",
- "process of creating PCB",
- "of view.with PCB layout",
- "placement and track routing,",
- "can often be the most time",
- "And if you use circuit simulation",
- "you are going to spend even more"
- };
- uchar Disp_Buffer[32];
- void Delayxms(uint ms)
- {
- uchar i;
- while(ms--)
- {
- for(i=0;i<120;i++);
- }
- }
- void V_Scroll_Display()
- {
- uchar i,j,k = 0;
- uchar *p = Msg[0];
- uchar *q = Msg[Line_Count] + strlen(Msg[Line_Count]);
- while(p<q)
- {
- for(i=0;(i<16)&&(p<q);i++)
- {
- if(((i==0)||(i==15))&& *p == ' ')
- p++;
- if(*p != '\0')
- {
- Disp_Buffer[i] = *p++;
- }
- else
- {
- if(++k>Line_Count)
- break;
- p = Msg[k];
- Disp_Buffer[i] = *p++;
- }
- }
- for(j=i;j<16;j++)
- Disp_Buffer[j]=' ';
- while(F0)
- Delayxms(5);
- ShowString(0,0," ");
- Delayxms(150);
- while(F0)
- Delayxms(5);
- ShowString(0,1,Disp_Buffer);
- Delayxms(150);
- while(F0)
- Delayxms(5);
- ShowString(0,0,Disp_Buffer);
- ShowString(0,1," ");
- Delayxms(150);
- }
- ShowString(0,0," ");
- ShowString(0,1," ");
- }
- void H_Scroll_Display()
- {
- uchar m,n,t = 0,L=0;
- uchar *p = Msg[0];
- uchar *q = Msg[Line_Count] + strlen(Msg[Line_Count]);
- for(m=0;m<16;m++)
- Disp_Buffer[m]=' ';
- while(p<q)
- {
- if((m=16||m==31)&& *p == ' ')
- p++;
- for(m=16;m<32&&p<q;m++)
- {
- if(*p != '\0')
- {
- Disp_Buffer[m] = *p++;
- }
- else
- {
- if(++t>Line_Count)
- break;
- p = Msg[t];
- Disp_Buffer[m] = *p++;
- }
- }
- for(n=m;n<32;n++)
- Disp_Buffer[n]=' ';
- for(m=0;m<=16;m++)
- {
- while(F0)
- Delayxms(5);
- ShowString(0,L,Disp_Buffer+1);
- while(F0)
- Delayxms(5);
- Delayxms(20);
- }
- L = (L==0)? 1:0;
- Delayxms(200);
- }
- if(L==1)
- ShowString(0,1," ");
- }
- void EX_INT0() interrupt 0
- {
- F0 = !F0;
- }
- void main()
- {
- uint Count = 0;
- IE = 0x81;
- IT0 = 1;
- ……………………
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