- // 第三方跨平台cpu性能测试
- // https://gitee.com/test386/test#
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <serial.h>
- #define INTEG_FUNC(x) fabs(sin(x))
- double dclock(void);
- //int main(int argc, char * argv[])
- void main(void)
- {
- clock_t start, finish;
- double duration;
- long pi[400], t[420], m, n, r, s;
- int t0[][3] = {48, 32, 20, 24, 8, 4}, k0[][3] = {1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1};
- int n0[][3] = {18, 57, 239, 8, 57, 239}, d, i, j, k, p, q;
- // Loop counters and number of interior points
- unsigned int ia, ja, Na;
- // Stepsize, independent variable x, and accumulated sum
- //double duration2;
- double stepa, x_i, suma;
- // Timing variables for evaluation
- double interval_begin = 0.0;
- // Complete integral at
- double interval_end = 2.0 * 3.141592653589793238;
- //double duration1;
- double testa;
- double testb;
- int sum=0;
- int num=1;
- int sum2=0;
- int num2=2;
- double sqrt(double x);
- Init_Timer0();
- InitUART();
- //d = (argc > 1) ? (((i = atoi(argv[1])) < 0) ? 0 : i) : 9999;
- d = 99;
- //q = (argc > 2) ? 1 : 0;
- q = 0;
- printf("%s\n\n", "pi calc..................................");
- printf("pi= %s%d * arctg(1/%d) %s %d * arctg(1/%d) %s %d * arctg(1/%d) [%s]\n",
- k0[q][0] ? "" : "-", t0[q][0], n0[q][0], k0[q][1] ? "+" : "-", t0[q][1],
- n0[q][1], k0[q][2] ? "+" : "-", t0[q][2], n0[q][2], q ? "Stomer" : "Gauss");
- //if ((t = (long *)calloc((d += 5) + 1, sizeof(long))) == NULL) //return 1; // Allocate 40020 bytes
- //if ((pi = (long *)calloc(d + 1, sizeof(long))) == NULL) //return 2; // Allocate 40000 byts
- // The C library function clock_t clock(void) returns the number of clock ticks elapsed since the program was launched. To get the number of seconds used by the CPU, you will need to divide by CLOCKS_PER_SEC.
- // On a 32 bit system where CLOCKS_PER_SEC equals 1000000 this function will return the same value approximately every 72 minutes.
- // This function returns the number of clock ticks elapsed since the start of the program. On failure, the function returns a value of -1.
- start = clock();
- for (i = d; i >= 0; i--) pi[i] = 0;
- for (p = 0; p < 3; p++) {
- for (k=k0[q][p], n=n0[q][p], t[i=j=d]=t0[q][p], i--; i >= 0; i--) t[i] = 0;
- for (r = 0, i = j; i >= 0; i--) {
- r = (m = 10 * r + t[i]) % n;
- t[i] = m / n;
- k ? (pi[i] += t[i]) : (pi[i] -= t[i]);
- }
- while (j > 0 && t[j] == 0) j--;
- for (k = !k, s = 3, n *= n; j > 0; k = !k, s += 2) {
- for (r = 0, i = j; i >= 0; i--) {
- r = (m = 10 * r + t[i]) % n;
- t[i] = m / n;
- }
- while (j > 0 && t[j] == 0) j--;
- for (r = 0, i = j; i >= 0; i--) {
- r = (m = 10 * r + t[i]) % s;
- m /= s;
- k ? (pi[i] += m) : (pi[i] -= m);
- }
- }
- }
- for (n = i = 0; i <= d; pi[i++] = r) {
- n = (m = pi[i] + n) / 10;
- if ((r = m % 10) < 0) r += 10, n--;
- }
- printf("pi= %ld.", pi[d]);
- for (i = d - 1; i >= 5; i--)
- printf("%ld%s", pi[i], ((m = d - i + 5) % 65) ? ((m % 5) ? "" : " ") : "\n");
- printf("%sDIGITS: %d\n", (m % 65) ? "\n" : "", d - 5);
- //_______________________________________
- // Start timing for the entire application
- printf(" \n");
- printf(" Number of | Computed Integral | \n");
- printf(" Interior Points | | \n");
- for (ja=2;ja<27;ja++)
- {
- printf("------------------------------------- \n");
- // Compute the number of (internal rectangles + 1)
- Na = 1 << ja;
- // Compute stepsize for Na-1 internal rectangles
- stepa = (interval_end - interval_begin) / Na;
- // Approx. 1/2 area in first rectangle: f(x0) * [stepa/2]
- suma= INTEG_FUNC(interval_begin) * stepa / 2.0;
- // Apply midpoint rule:
- // Given length = f(x), compute the area of the
- // rectangle of width stepa
- // Suma areas of internal rectangle: f(xi + stepa) * stepa
- for (ia=1;ia<Na;ia++)
- {
- x_i = ia * stepa;
- suma += INTEG_FUNC(x_i) * stepa;
- }
- // Approx. 1/2 area in last rectangle: f(xN) * [stepa/2]
- suma += INTEG_FUNC(interval_end) * stepa / 2.0;
- printf(" %10d | %14e | \n", Na, suma);
- }
- printf(" \n");
- //_______________________________________
- while(num<=90000000){
- sum=sum+num;
- num=num+2;
- testa=sqrt(sum);
- testa=testa*num;
- }
- printf("Anti cheating verification code is=:%d\n",sum);
- printf("Floating-point precision %.38lf\n", testa);
- while(num2<=90000000){
- sum2=sum2+num2;
- num2=num2+2;
- testb=sqrt(sum2);
- testb=testb*num2;
- }
- finish = clock();
- printf("Anti cheating verification code is=%d\n",sum2);
- printf("Floating-point precision %.38lf\n", testb);
- //On a 32 bit system where CLOCKS_PER_SEC equals 1000000 this function will return the same value approximately every 72 minutes.
- duration = (double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
- printf("Total time %f seconds \n", duration);
- printf("The less the time it is used, the more the performance becomes strongert!\n");
- printf("Press Enter to exit\n");
- sum = getchar( );
- //return 0;
- }
- /*
- Rebuild target 'Target 1'
- compiling Test386-51.c...
- Test386-51.c(59): error C174: return-expression on void-function
- Test386-51.c(159): error C241: 'main': auto segment too large
- Target not created
- Description
- The required space for local objects exceeds the model dependent maximum. The maximum segment sizes are defined as follows: SMALL 128 bytes COMPACT 256 bytes LARGE 65535 bytes
- Rebuild target 'Target 1'
- compiling Test386-51.c...
- linking...
- Program Size: data=23.2 xdata=3451 code=8924
- "Test386-51" - 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).
- Rebuild target 'Target 1'
- compiling Test386-51.c...
- linking...
- Program Size: data=23.2 xdata=3451 code=8980
- creating hex file from "Test386-51"...
- "Test386-51" - 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).
- */
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