- library IEEE;
- use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
- use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
- use work.States.all;
- entity cpu is
- port(
- reset : in STD_LOGIC;
- sw0 : in STD_LOGIC;
- start : in STD_LOGIC;
- clk : in STD_LOGIC;
- output1: out STd_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
- output2: out STd_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
- output3: out STd_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
- output4: out STd_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
- output5: out STd_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
- output6: out STd_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
- test0: out STd_logic;
- test1: out STd_logic;
- Z: out STd_logic
- );
- end cpu;
- architecture behavioral of cpu is
- function convSEG (N : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ) return std_logic_vector is
- variable ans:std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
- begin
- Case N is
- when "0000" => ans:="1000000";
- when "0001" => ans:="1111001";
- when "0010" => ans:="0100100";
- when "0011" => ans:="0110000";
- when "0100" => ans:="0011001";
- when "0101" => ans:="0010010";
- when "0110" => ans:="0000010";
- when "0111" => ans:="1111000";
- when "1000" => ans:="0000000";
- when "1001" => ans:="0010000";
- when "1010" => ans:="0001000";
- when "1011" => ans:="0000011";
- when "1100" => ans:="1000110";
- when "1101" => ans:="0100001";
- when "1110" => ans:="0000110";
- when "1111" => ans:="0001110";
- when others=> ans:="1111111";
- end case;
- return ans;
- end function convSEG;
- type MEMtype is array (0 to 2**16-1) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- constant ROM : MEMtype := (
- "00001011",
- "00000001",
- "00000000",
- "00100000",
- "00000011",
- "00000001",
- "00000000",
- "00100001",
- "00001000",
- "00000111",
- "00000000",
- "00010000",
- "00001100",
- "00000101",
- "00000000",
- "00010010",
- "00001001",
- "00000000",
- "00000000",
- "00000000",
- "00000000",
- "00000000",
- "00000000",
- "00000000",
- "00000000",
- "00000000",
- "00000000",
- "00000000",
- "00000000",
- "00000000",
- "00000000",
- "00000000",
- "00000101",
- "00001010",
- others => "00000000" );
- signal P_S : myState;
- signal N_S : myState;
- signal AR_REGISTER :STd_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
- signal AC_REGISTER :STd_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- signal IR_REGISTER :STd_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- signal PC_REGISTER :STd_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
- signal R_REGISTER :STd_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- signal TR_REGISTER :STd_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- signal Z_FLAG :STd_logic;
- signal DR_REGISTER :STd_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- signal RAM :MEMtype;
- signal Delay_count : integer := 0;
- signal en : STd_logic := '0';
- signal temp : STd_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
- signal Mem_count : integer := 0;
- begin
- --FSM structure process
- process(clk , reset)
- begin
- if (reset = '0') then
- P_S <= RESET1;
- elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then
- P_S <= N_S;
- end if;
- end process;
- --FSM transport process
- process(P_S , IR_REGISTER, Z_FLAG, start, en, Mem_count)
- begin
- N_S <= P_S;
- case P_S is
- when RESET1 =>
- N_S <= MEM_INIT;
- temp <= "00";
- when MEM_INIT =>
- if (Mem_count = 2**16-1) then
- N_S <= FINISH;
- end if;
- temp <= "01";
- when FINISH =>
- if (start = '0') then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- temp <= "10";
- when FETCH1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH2;
- end if;
- temp <= "11";
- when FETCH2 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH3;
- end if;
- temp <= "00";
- when FETCH3 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- if (IR_REGISTER="00000000") then
- N_S <= NOP1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00000001") then
- N_S <= LDAC1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00000010") then
- N_S <= STAC1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00000011") then
- N_S <= MVAC1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00000100") then
- N_S <= MOVR1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00000101") then
- N_S <= JUMP1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00000110" AND Z_FLAG='1') then
- N_S <= JMPZY1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00000110" AND Z_FLAG='0') then
- N_S <= JMPZN1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00000111" AND Z_FLAG='0') then
- N_S <= JPNZY1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00000111" AND Z_FLAG='1') then
- N_S <= JPNZN1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00001000") then
- N_S <= ADD1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00001001") then
- N_S <= SUB1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00001010") then
- N_S <= INAC1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00001011") then
- N_S <= CLAC1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00001100") then
- N_S <= AND1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00001101") then
- N_S <= OR1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00001110") then
- N_S <= XOR1;
- elsif (IR_REGISTER="00001111") then
- N_S <= NOT1;
- end if;
- end if;
- when NOP1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when LDAC1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= LDAC2;
- end if;
- when LDAC2 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= LDAC3;
- end if;
- when LDAC3 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= LDAC4;
- end if;
- when LDAC4 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= LDAC5;
- end if;
- when LDAC5 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when STAC1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= STAC2;
- end if;
- when STAC2 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= STAC3;
- end if;
- when STAC3 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= STAC4;
- end if;
- when STAC4 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= STAC5;
- end if;
- when STAC5 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when MVAC1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when MOVR1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when JUMP1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= JUMP2;
- end if;
- when JUMP2 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= JUMP3;
- end if;
- when JUMP3 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when JMPZY1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= JMPZY2;
- end if;
- when JMPZY2 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= JMPZY3;
- end if;
- when JMPZY3 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when JMPZN1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= JMPZN2;
- end if;
- when JMPZN2 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when JPNZY1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= JPNZY2;
- end if;
- when JPNZY2 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= JPNZY3;
- end if;
- when JPNZY3 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when JPNZN1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= JPNZN2;
- end if;
- when JPNZN2 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when ADD1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when SUB1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when INAC1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when CLAC1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when AND1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when OR1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when XOR1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- when NOT1 =>
- if( en = '1' )then
- N_S <= FETCH1;
- end if;
- end case;
- end process;
- --manage AC_REGISTER
- process(clk, reset)
- begin
- if(reset = '0')then
- AC_REGISTER <= (others => '0');
- elsif (falling_edge(clk) and en = '1')then
- case P_S is
- when MEM_INIT =>
- AC_REGISTER(7 downto 4) <= "0011";
- AC_REGISTER(3 downto 0) <= "0011";
- when LDAC5 =>
- when MOVR1 =>
- when ADD1 =>
- AC_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(AC_REGISTER) + unsigned(R_REGISTER));
- when SUB1 =>
- AC_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(AC_REGISTER) - unsigned(R_REGISTER));
- when INAC1 =>
- AC_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(AC_REGISTER) + 1);
- when CLAC1 =>
- AC_REGISTER <= (others => '0');
- when AND1 =>
- when OR1 =>
- when XOR1 =>
- when NOT1 =>
- when others =>
- end case;
- end if;
- end process;
- --manage PC_REGISTER
- process(clk, reset)
- begin
- if(reset = '0')then
- PC_REGISTER <= (others => '0');
- elsif (falling_edge(clk) and en = '1')then
- case P_S is
- when FETCH2 =>
- PC_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(PC_REGISTER) +1);
- when LDAC1 =>
- PC_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(PC_REGISTER) +1);
- when LDAC2 =>
- PC_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(PC_REGISTER) +1);
- when STAC1 =>
- PC_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(PC_REGISTER) +1);
- when STAC2 =>
- PC_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(PC_REGISTER) +1);
- when JUMP3 =>
- PC_REGISTER(15 downto 8) <= TR_REGISTER;
- PC_REGISTER(7 downto 0) <= DR_REGISTER;
- when JMPZY3 =>
- PC_REGISTER(15 downto 8) <= TR_REGISTER;
- PC_REGISTER(7 downto 0) <= DR_REGISTER;
- when JMPZN1 =>
- PC_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(PC_REGISTER) +1);
- when JMPZN2 =>
- PC_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(PC_REGISTER) +1);
- when JPNZY3 =>
- PC_REGISTER(15 downto 8) <= TR_REGISTER;
- PC_REGISTER(7 downto 0) <= DR_REGISTER;
- when JPNZN1 =>
- PC_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(PC_REGISTER) +1);
- when JPNZN2 =>
- PC_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(PC_REGISTER) +1);
- when others =>
- end case;
- end if;
- end process;
- --manage AR_REGISTER
- process(clk, reset)
- begin
- if(reset = '0')then
- AR_REGISTER <= (others => '0');
- elsif (falling_edge(clk) and en = '1')then
- case P_S is
- when FETCH1 =>
- when FETCH3 =>
- when LDAC1 =>
- AR_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(AR_REGISTER) +1);
- when LDAC3 =>
- AR_REGISTER(15 downto 8) <= TR_REGISTER;
- AR_REGISTER(7 downto 0) <= DR_REGISTER;
- when STAC1 =>
- AR_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(AR_REGISTER) +1);
- when STAC3 =>
- AR_REGISTER(15 downto 8) <= TR_REGISTER;
- AR_REGISTER(7 downto 0) <= DR_REGISTER;
- when JUMP1 =>
- AR_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(AR_REGISTER) +1);
- when JMPZY1 =>
- AR_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(AR_REGISTER) +1);
- when JPNZY1 =>
- AR_REGISTER <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(AR_REGISTER) +1);
- when others =>
- end case;
- end if;
- end process;
- --manage DR_REGISTER
- process(clk, reset)
- begin
- if(reset = '0')then
- DR_REGISTER <= (others => '0');
- elsif (falling_edge(clk))then
- case P_S is
- when FETCH2 =>
- DR_REGISTER <= RAM(to_integer(unsigned(AR_REGISTER)));
- when LDAC1 =>
- DR_REGISTER <= RAM(to_integer(unsigned(AR_REGISTER)));
- when LDAC2 =>
- DR_REGISTER <= RAM(to_integer(unsigned(AR_REGISTER)));
- when LDAC4 =>
- DR_REGISTER <= RAM(to_integer(unsigned(AR_REGISTER)));
- when STAC1 =>
- DR_REGISTER <= RAM(to_integer(unsigned(AR_REGISTER)));
- when STAC2 =>
- DR_REGISTER <= RAM(to_integer(unsigned(AR_REGISTER)));
- when STAC4 =>
- when JUMP1 =>
- DR_REGISTER <= RAM(to_integer(unsigned(AR_REGISTER)));
- when JUMP2 =>
- DR_REGISTER <= RAM(to_integer(unsigned(AR_REGISTER)));
- when JMPZY1 =>
- DR_REGISTER <= RAM(to_integer(unsigned(AR_REGISTER)));
- when JMPZY2 =>
- DR_REGISTER <= RAM(to_integer(unsigned(AR_REGISTER)));
- when JPNZY1 =>
- DR_REGISTER <= RAM(to_integer(unsigned(AR_REGISTER)));
- when JPNZY2 =>
- DR_REGISTER <= RAM(to_integer(unsigned(AR_REGISTER)));
- when others =>
- end case;
- end if;
- end process;
- --manage TR_REGISTER
- process(clk, reset)
- begin
- if(reset = '0')then
- TR_REGISTER <= (others => '0');
- elsif (falling_edge(clk))then
- case P_S is
- when LDAC2 =>
- when STAC2 =>
- when JUMP2 =>
- when JMPZY2 =>
- when JPNZY2 =>
- when others =>
- end case;
- end if;
- end process;
- --manage IR_REGISTER
- process(clk, reset)
- begin
- if(reset = '0')then
- IR_REGISTER <= (others => '0');
- elsif (falling_edge(clk))then
- case P_S is
- when FETCH3 =>
- when others =>
- end case;
- end if;
- end process;
- --manage R_REGISTER
- process(clk, reset)
- begin
- if(reset = '0')then
- R_REGISTER <= (others => '0');
- elsif (falling_edge(clk))then
- case P_S is
- when MEM_INIT =>
- R_REGISTER(7 downto 4) <= "0000";
- R_REGISTER(3 downto 0) <= "0010";
- when MVAC1 =>
- when others =>
- end case;
- end if;
- end process;
- --manage Z_FLAG
- process(clk, reset)
- begin
- if(reset = '0')then
- Z_FLAG <= '0';
- elsif (rising_edge(clk))then
- if (AC_REGISTER = "00000000" ) then
- Z_FLAG <= '1';
- else
- Z_FLAG <= '0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- --manage memory
- process(clk)
- begin
- if (falling_edge(clk))then
- case P_S is
- when MEM_INIT =>
- RAM(Mem_count) <= ROM(Mem_count);
- Mem_count <= Mem_count + 1;
- when STAC5 =>
- RAM(to_integer(unsigned(AR_REGISTER))) <= DR_REGISTER ;
- when others =>
- end case;
- end if;
- end process;
- --Send value of register to output
- process(clk)
- variable tmp: STd_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- begin
- tmp := RAM(to_integer(unsigned(AR_REGISTER)));
- if(sw0 = '0')then
- output1 <= convSEG(AC_REGISTER(3 downto 0));
- output2 <= convSEG(AC_REGISTER(7 downto 4));
- output3 <= convSEG(R_REGISTER(3 downto 0));
- output4 <= convSEG(R_REGISTER(7 downto 4));
- output5 <= convSEG(tmp(3 downto 0));
- output6 <= convSEG(tmp(7 downto 4));
- else
- output1 <= convSEG(DR_REGISTER(3 downto 0));
- output2 <= convSEG(DR_REGISTER(7 downto 4));
- output3 <= convSEG(AR_REGISTER(3 downto 0));
- output4 <= convSEG(AR_REGISTER(7 downto 4));
- output5 <= convSEG(PC_REGISTER(3 downto 0));
- output6 <= convSEG(PC_REGISTER(7 downto 4));
- end if;
- end process;
- process(clk)
- begin
- if (falling_edge(clk))then
- if(Delay_count = 100000000)then
- en <= '1';
- Delay_count <= 0;
- else
- en <= '0';
- Delay_count <= Delay_count + 1;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- test0 <= temp(0);
- test1 <= temp(1);
- Z <= Z_FLAG;
- end behavioral;
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