- void setup() {
- inputString.reserve(20);
- swSerial.begin(9600);
- Serial.begin(9600);
- while (!Serial)
- ;
- Serial.println("Starting wifi");
- wifi.setTransportToTCP();// this is also default
- // wifi.setTransportToUDP();//Will use UDP when connecting to server, default is TCP
- wifi.endSendWithNewline(true); // Will end all transmissions with a newline and carrage return ie println.. default is true
- wifi.begin();
- //Turn on local ap and server (TCP)
- wifi.startLocalAPAndServer("MY_CONFIG_AP", "password", "5", "2121");
- wifi.connectToAP("wifissid", "wifipass");
- wifi.connectToServer("", "2121");
- wifi.send(SERVER, "ESP8266 test app started");
- }
- void loop() {
- //Make sure the esp8266 is started..
- if (!wifi.isStarted())
- wifi.begin();
- //Send what you typed in the arduino console to the server
- static char buf[20];
- if (stringComplete) {
- inputString.toCharArray(buf, sizeof buf);
- wifi.send(SERVER, buf);
- inputString = "";
- stringComplete = false;
- }
- //Send a ping once in a while..
- if (millis() > nextPing) {
- wifi.send(SERVER, "Ping ping..");
- nextPing = millis() + 10000;
- }
- //Listen for incoming messages and echo back, will wait until a message is received, or max 6000ms..
- WifiMessage in = wifi.listenForIncomingMessage(6000);
- if (in.hasData) {
- if (in.channel == SERVER)
- Serial.println("Message from the server:");
- else
- Serial.println("Message a local client:");
- Serial.println(in.message);
- //Echo back;
- wifi.send(in.channel, "Echo:", false);
- wifi.send(in.channel, in.message);
- nextPing = millis() + 10000;
- }
- //If you want do disconnect from the server use:
- // wifi.disconnectFromServer();
- }