- import pygame, random, math, tkinter
- import numpy as np
- X1=40; X2=600
- Y1=100; Y2=660
- LEN=40; gobang_r=20; gobangboard=[]
- def DrawGobangBoard(screen):
- color = [0,0,0];
- for i in range(15):
- pygame.draw.line(screen, color, (X1,Y1+LEN*i), (X2,Y1+LEN*i), 1)
- pygame.draw.line(screen, color, (X1+LEN*i,Y1), (X1+LEN*i,Y2), 1)
- pygame.draw.line(screen, color, (X1-4,Y1-4), (X2+4,Y1-4), 5)
- pygame.draw.line(screen, color, (X1-4,Y2+4), (X2+4,Y2+4), 5)
- pygame.draw.line(screen, color, (X1-4,Y1-4), (X1-4,Y2+4), 5)
- pygame.draw.line(screen, color, (X2+4,Y1-4), (X2+4,Y2+4), 5)
- pygame.draw.circle(screen, color, [X1+3*LEN, Y1+3*LEN], 3, 0)
- pygame.draw.circle(screen, color, [X1+11*LEN, Y1+3*LEN], 3, 0)
- pygame.draw.circle(screen, color, [X1+3*LEN, Y1+11*LEN], 3, 0)
- pygame.draw.circle(screen, color, [X1+11*LEN, Y1+11*LEN], 3, 0)
- pygame.draw.circle(screen, color, [X1+7*LEN, Y1+7*LEN], 3, 0)
- def Init(screen):
- screen.fill((227, 207, 87))
- DrawGobangBoard(screen)
- gobangboard.clear()
- for i in range(15):
- t = []
- for j in range(15):
- t.append(0)
- gobangboard.append(t)
- font = pygame.font.SysFont('simhei', 56)
- text = font.render("智能五子棋", True, [0,0,0])
- screen.blit(text, [180,15])
- def Distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
- return int(math.sqrt(math.pow(x1-x2,2) + math.pow(y1-y2,2)))
- def Drop(p):
- x = p[0]; y = p[1]
- if x < X1-gobang_r or x > X2+gobang_r or y < Y1-gobang_r or y > Y2+gobang_r:
- return [x,y],False
- a = int((x-X1)/LEN)*LEN + X1
- b = int((y-Y1)/LEN)*LEN + Y1
- d1 = Distance(x, y, a, b)
- if d1<gobang_r:
- if gobangboard[int((a-X1)/LEN)][int((b-Y1)/LEN)] == 0:
- return [a,b],True
- else: return [a,b],False
- d2 = Distance(x, y, a, b+LEN)
- if d2<gobang_r:
- if gobangboard[int((a-X1)/LEN)][int((b+LEN-Y1)/LEN)] == 0:
- return [a,b+LEN],True
- else: return [a,b+LEN],False
- d3 = Distance(x, y, a+LEN, b)
- if d3<gobang_r:
- if gobangboard[int((a+LEN-X1)/LEN)][int((b-Y1)/LEN)] == 0:
- return [a+LEN,b],True
- else: return [a+LEN,b],False
- d4 = Distance(x, y, a+LEN, b+LEN)
- if d4<gobang_r:
- if gobangboard[int((a+LEN-X1)/LEN)][int((b+LEN-Y1)/LEN)] == 0:
- return [a+LEN,b+LEN],True
- else: return [a+LEN,b+LEN],False
- return [a,b],False
- def getGobang(x, y, dire, dis):
- if dire == 1:
- x += dis
- elif dire == 2:
- x += dis
- y += dis
- elif dire == 3:
- y += dis
- elif dire == 4:
- x -= dis
- y += dis
- elif dire == 5:
- x -= dis
- elif dire == 6:
- x -= dis
- y -= dis
- elif dire == 7:
- y -= dis
- elif dire == 8:
- x += dis
- y -= dis
- if x<0 or y<0 or x>14 or y>14:
- return -2
- return gobangboard[x][y]
- def Evaluate(x, y, player):
- value = 0
- for i in np.arange(1,9):
- if getGobang(x,y,i,1) == player and getGobang(x,y,i,2) == player and getGobang(x,y,i,3) == player and getGobang(x,y,i,4) == player:
- value += 2000
- continue
- if getGobang(x,y,i,-1) == player and getGobang(x,y,i,1) == player and getGobang(x,y,i,2) == player and getGobang(x,y,i,3) == player:
- value += 2000
- continue
- if getGobang(x,y,i,-2) == player and getGobang(x,y,i,-1) == player and getGobang(x,y,i,1) == player and getGobang(x,y,i,2) == player:
- value += 2000
- continue
- if getGobang(x,y,i,1) == player and getGobang(x,y,i,2) == player and getGobang(x,y,i,3) == player:
- if getGobang(x,y,i,-1) == 0:
- if getGobang(x,y,i,4) == 0:
- value += 400
- continue
- elif getGobang(x,y,i,4) == -player or getGobang(x,y,i,4) == -2:
- value += 210
- continue
- elif (getGobang(x,y,i,-1) == -player or getGobang(x,y,i,-1) == -2) and getGobang(x,y,i,4) == 0:
- value += 210
- continue
- if getGobang(x,y,i,-1) == player and getGobang(x,y,i,1) == player and getGobang(x,y,i,2) == player:
- if getGobang(x,y,i,-2) == 0:
- if getGobang(x,y,i,3) == 0:
- value += 400
- continue
- elif getGobang(x,y,i,3) == -player or getGobang(x,y,i,3) == -2:
- value += 210
- continue
- elif (getGobang(x,y,i,-2) == -player or getGobang(x,y,i,-2) == -2) and getGobang(x,y,i,3) == 0:
- value += 210
- continue
- if getGobang(x,y,i,1) == player and getGobang(x,y,i,2) == player:
- if getGobang(x,y,i,-1) == 0:
- if getGobang(x,y,i,3) == 0:
- value += 110
- continue
- elif (getGobang(x,y,i,3) == -player or getGobang(x,y,i,3) == -2) and (getGobang(x,y,i,-2) == 0 or getGobang(x,y,i,-2) == player):
- value += 25
- continue
- elif (getGobang(x,y,i,-1) == -player or getGobang(x,y,i,-1) == -2) and getGobang(x,y,i,3) == 0 and (getGobang(x,y,i,4) == 0 or getGobang(x,y,i,4) == player):
- value += 25
- continue
- if getGobang(x,y,i,-1) == player and getGobang(x,y,i,1) == player:
- if getGobang(x,y,i,-2) == 0:
- if getGobang(x,y,i,2) == 0:
- value += 110
- continue
- elif (getGobang(x,y,i,2) == -player or getGobang(x,y,i,2) == -2) and (getGobang(x,y,i,-3) == 0 or getGobang(x,y,i,-3) == player):
- value += 25
- continue
- elif (getGobang(x,y,i,-2) == -player or getGobang(x,y,i,-2) == -2) and getGobang(x,y,i,2) == 0 and (getGobang(x,y,i,3) == 0 or getGobang(x,y,i,3) == player):
- value += 25
- continue
- if getGobang(x,y,i,-1) == player:
- if getGobang(x,y,i,1) == 0 and (getGobang(x,y,i,-2) == 0 or getGobang(x,y,i,-2) == -player or getGobang(x,y,i,-2) == -2):
- value += 5
- continue
- elif getGobang(x,y,i,1) == -player or getGobang(x,y,i,1) == -2:
- value += 1
- continue
- return value
- def getMaxValue(player):
- maxvalue=0;
- x = []; y = []
- for i in range(15):
- for j in range(15):
- if gobangboard[i][j] == 0:
- weight = Evaluate(i,j,player)
- if maxvalue < weight:
- maxvalue = weight
- x.clear(); y.clear()
- x.append(i)
- y.append(j)
- elif maxvalue == weight:
- x.append(i)
- y.append(j)
- t = random.randint(0,len(x)-1)
- xx = X1+x[t]*LEN
- yy = Y1+y[t]*LEN
- return maxvalue,[xx,yy]
- def Win(turn):
- player = 1 if turn else -1
- for i in range(15):
- for j in range(11):
- if gobangboard[i][j] == player and gobangboard[i][j+1] == player and gobangboard[i][j+2] == player and gobangboard[i][j+3] == player and gobangboard[i][j+4] == player:
- return True
- for i in range(15):
- for j in range(11):
- if gobangboard[j][i] == player and gobangboard[j+1][i] == player and gobangboard[j+2][i] == player and gobangboard[j+3][i] == player and gobangboard[j+4][i] == player:
- return True
- for i in range(11):
- for j in range(11):
- if gobangboard[i][j] == player and gobangboard[i+1][j+1] == player and gobangboard[i+2][j+2] == player and gobangboard[i+3][j+3] == player and gobangboard[i+4][j+4] == player:
- return True
- for i in range(11):
- for j in np.arange(4,15):
- if gobangboard[i][j] == player and gobangboard[i+1][j-1] == player and gobangboard[i+2][j-2] == player and gobangboard[i+3][j-3] == player and gobangboard[i+4][j-4] == player:
- return True
- return False
- def Tie():
- for i in range(15):
- for j in range(15):
- if gobangboard[i][j] == 0:
- return False
- return True
- def showMessage(info, color):
- win = tkinter.Tk()
- win.wm_attributes('-topmost', 1)
- win.geometry("150x150")
- win.resizable(0,0)
- win.title("游戏结束")
- frame = tkinter.Frame(win, width='150', height='150', bg='#E3CE57')
- label = tkinter.Label(frame, text=info, bitmap= 'warning', compound='left', font='12',bg='#E3CE57', fg=color).pack(padx='20', pady='20')
- btn = tkinter.Button(frame, text="再玩一局!", command=win.destroy, bg='#E3CE57', fg=color).pack(padx='40', pady='20')
- frame.pack()
- win.mainloop()
- def main():
- pygame.init()
- screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640,700), 0, 32)
- pygame.display.set_caption("Gobang")
- while True:
- pygame.display.init()
- Init(screen)
- turn = True; flag = False
- while True:
- if turn == True:
- for event in pygame.event.get():
- if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
- pygame.quit()
- exit()
- if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
- p = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
- p,judge = Drop(p)
- if judge == False:
- flag = True
- break
- pygame.draw.circle(screen, [0,0,0], p, gobang_r, 0)
- gobangboard[int((p[0]-X1)/LEN)][int((p[1]-Y1)/LEN)] = 1
- turn = False
- else:
- max1,p1 = getMaxValue(-1)
- max2,p2 = getMaxValue(1)
- if max1>=max2 or max1>=10 and max2<220:
- p = p1
- else:
- p = p2
- pygame.draw.circle(screen, [255,255,255], p, gobang_r, 0)
- gobangboard[int((p[0]-X1)/LEN)][int((p[1]-Y1)/LEN)] = -1
- turn = True
- pygame.display.update()
- if flag == True:
- flag = False
- continue
- if Win(not turn) == True:
- if turn == False:
- showMessage('你赢了!', 'green')
- else:
- showMessage('你输了!', 'red')
- break
- if Tie() == True:
- showMessage('双方平局!', 'yellow')
- break
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
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