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ID:861693 发表于 2020-12-17 20:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

定时器控制LED Experiment 1 Timer control LED

1.1 实验要求 Experimental requirement


Student use C51 to produce a variable PMW wave. The I/O ports generate the wave through the filter circuit and connect with LED lights. As the output PWM wave duty cycle is constantly changing, a part of the time period LED turns on, part of the time cut off. From the overall point of view there is a change in the average voltage added to the LED lights, so as to achieve the purpose of dynamically adjust the brightness of LED lights

1.2 实验任务 Tasks



Design a breathing light with C51 MCU. The so-called breathing light is the LED lights in the MCU control, and the light from the br ight to the dark, and then from dark to bright gradually change, feeling like people are breathing.

1.3 硬件电路 hardware circuit
1.4 实验文档 Report


  1. #include <reg52.h>//包含 寄存器的头文件
  2. typedef unsigned char u8;//定义无符号数
  3. u8 Tcount,dutyfactor,direct;
  4. sbit LED=P1^0;//是将发光二极管 led1 接 P1口 0 位端
  5. void InterruptInit();//
  6. void Time0();//
  7. void breatheLED();//定义函数
  8. void main()
  9. {
  10. InterruptInit();
  11. while(1)//无限循环
  12.               {
  13.                             breatheLED();
  14.               }
  15. }
  16. void InterruptInit()
  17. {
  18.               TMOD &= 0xf0;//TMOD高四位清零,并保存低四位不变化
  19.               TMOD |= 0x02;//设定T0的工作模式为工作方式2
  20.               TH0 = 0x48;
  21.               TL0 = 0x48;//设置定时器
  22.               ET0 = 1;
  23.               EA  = 1;
  24.               TR0 = 1;//设置电频
  25. }
  26. void Time0() interrupt 1
  27. {
  28.               TH0 = 0x48;
  29.               TL0 = 0x48;
  30.               Tcount++;
  31. }
  32. void breatheLED()
  33. {
  34.               if(Tcount >= 60)//条件判断
  35.               {
  36.                             Tcount = 0;
  37.                             if(direct == 0)
  38.                             {
  39.                                           dutyfactor++;
  40.                             }
  41.                             else if(direct == 1)
  42.                             {
  43.                                           dutyfactor--;
  44.                             }
  45.               }
  46.               if(dutyfactor <= 0)
  47.               {
  48.                             direct=0;
  49.               }
  50.               else if(dutyfactor >= 60)
  51.               {
  52.                             direct=1;
  53.               }
  54.               if(Tcount < dutyfactor)
  55.               {
  56.                             LED=0;//灯亮
  57.               }
  58.               else
  59.               {
  60.                             LED=1;//灯灭
  61.               }
  62. }




(1)What is the difference between a timer and a counter?

A counter is the one that keeps counting when you start counting from zero! Unless you stop him, he won't keep remembering! The timer is different! You need to set a time for yourself before you start counting! When your time has been counted down, it stops automatically

  • What are the characteristics of working mode 2 of timer / counter T1 and t0? For which applications?

Mode 2 is an 8-bit timer / counter automatically loaded with initial value, which overcomes the problem of cycle timing or cycle counting application            There is a problem that the counting initial value is loaded repeatedly with the instruction, which affects the timing accuracy.

  • 问题分析及实验心得

In this experiment, we need to select the appropriate crystal frequency and use LC low-pass filter circuit to prevent the LED from changing too fast to feel the change of brightness.Through this experiment, I have a better understanding of the combination circuit and programming of single-chip computer.The experiment is time-consuming and uncomplicated, and can be completed quickly with the help of the teachers and classmates.Finally, thank you for your teacher's instruction and your classmates'warm help.

c51呼吸灯.docx (508.93 KB, 下载次数: 9)


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