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Linux 下 gSTCISP下载程序的问题

ID:100944 发表于 2015-12-29 21:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
       Linux 下 gSTCISP下载程序时出现:

[root@localhost  exp]# gSTCISP

** (gSTCISP:8334): WARNING **: Couldn't find pixmap file: gSTCISP.png

** (gSTCISP:8334): WARNING **: Couldn't find pixmap file: gSTCISP.png

****** Welcom to use gSTC-ISP *******
            Good Luck

0000: 02 00 06 02 00 62 75 81 07 12 00 70 e5 82 60 03
0010: 02 00 03 79 00 e9 44 00 60 1b 7a 00 90 00 74 78
0020: 01 75 a0 00 e4 93 f2 a3 08 b8 00 02 05 a0 d9 f4
0030: da f2 75 a0 ff e4 78 ff f6 d8 fd 78 00 e8 44 00
0040: 60 0a 79 01 75 a0 00 e4 f3 09 d8 fc 78 00 e8 44
0050: 00 60 0c 79 00 90 00 01 e4 f0 a3 d8 fc d9 fa 02
0060: 00 03 c2 94 d2 93 d2 92 d2 91 c2 90 c2 80 80 fe
0070: 75 82 00 22
Open /dev/ttyUSB0
Baudrate is 9600

0000: 7F

0000: 7F

0000: 7F

0000: 7F

0000: 7F



使用道具 举报

ID:1 发表于 2016-1-2 00:32 | 显示全部楼层
Working with Windows Vista. I wrote the rough interface out with Glade so I am working from that source. GTK 2.0. When I compile & run I get the above error. Is there a way to absolute path images? If not how in the world do I find it? I tried add_pixmap_directory using the absolute path with no luck. Ideas?

使用道具 举报

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