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  1. $crystal = 11059000
  2. $baud = 9600

  3. Dim Ct As Byte
  4. Dim H As Byte
  5. Dim H1 As Byte
  6. Dim H2 As Byte
  7. Dim M As Byte

  8. Dim M1 As Byte
  9. Dim M2 As Byte

  10. Dim S As Byte

  11. Dim S1 As Byte
  12. Dim S2 As Byte
  13. Dim Led0 As Bit                                               'LED is a Bit variable since it will turn on and
  14. Dim Led1 As Bit
  15. Dim Point As Byte
  16. Dim K As Byte

  17. Dim A(10) As Byte
  18. A(1) = Not &H06
  19. A(2) = Not &H5B
  20. A(3) = Not &H4F
  21. A(4) = Not &H66
  22. A(5) = Not &H6D
  23. A(6) = Not &H7D
  24. A(7) = Not &H07
  25. A(8) = Not &H7F
  26. A(9) = Not &H6F
  27. A(10) = Not &H3F

  28. Config Timer0 = Timer , Gate = Internal , Mode = 1
  29. 'Timer0 = counter : timer0 operates as a counter
  30. 'Gate = Internal  : no external gate control
  31. 'Mode = 2         : 8-bit auto reload (default)
  32. 'Mode = 1         : 16-bit reload
  33. On Timer0 Timer_0_int
  34. Load Timer0 , 0                                               'when the timer reaches 100 an interrupt will occur
  35. Enable Interrupts                                             'enable the use of interrupts
  36. Enable Timer0                                                 'enable the timer

  37. Rem Setting Of Priority
  38. Priority Set Timer0                                           'highest priority
  39. Start Timer0

  40. Led0 = 1
  41. Led1 = 0

  42. P2 = &HFF

  43. Do

  44. K = Inkey()
  45. If K = 48 Then
  46.    M = M + 1
  47.    If M = 60 Then
  48.       M = 0
  49.    End If
  50. Elseif K = 49 Then
  51.    M = M - 1
  52.    If M = 255 Then
  53.       M = 59
  54.    End If
  55. End If

  56. P2.0 = 0
  57. P0 = A(m1)
  58. Waitms 2
  59. P2.0 = 1
  60. Waitms 3

  61. P2.1 = 0
  62. If Point = 1 Then
  63.    P0 = A(m2) + &H80
  64. Else
  65.    P0 = A(m2)
  66. End If
  67. Waitms 2
  68. P2.1 = 1
  69. Waitms 3

  70. P2.2 = 0
  71. P0 = A(s1)
  72. Waitms 2
  73. P2.2 = 1
  74. Waitms 3

  75. P2.3 = 0
  76. P0 = A(s2)
  77. Waitms 2
  78. P2.3 = 1
  79. Waitms 3

  80. Loop
  81. End

  82.   Rem The Interrupt Handler For The Timer0 Interrupt
  83. Timer_0_int:
  84. If Ct = 13 Then
  85.      Ct = 0

  86.      P1.1 = Led1
  87.      P1.0 = Led0

  88.      Led0 = Not Led0
  89.      Led1 = Not Led1                                          'invert LED value

  90.      H1 = H / 10
  91.      H2 = H Mod 10
  92.      M1 = M / 10

  93.      M2 = M Mod 10

  94.      S1 = S / 10

  95.      S2 = S Mod 10
  96.      Point = S Mod 2

  97.      Print "Time is:" ; H1 ; H2 ; ":" ; M1 ; M2 ; ":" ; S1 ; S2       '; (Second / 10) ;
  98.      If M1 = 0 Then
  99.       M1 = 10
  100.      End If
  101.      If M2 = 0 Then
  102.       M2 = 10
  103.      End If
  104.      If S1 = 0 Then
  105.       S1 = 10
  106.      End If
  107.      If S2 = 0 Then
  108.       S2 = 10
  109.      End If
  110.      S = S + 1
  111.      If S = 60 Then
  112.            S = 0
  113.            M = M + 1

  114.            If M = 60 Then
  115.               M = 0
  116.               H = H + 1
  117.               If H = 24 Then
  118.                  H = 0
  119.               End If
  120.            End If
  121.      End If
  122. Else
  123.    Incr Ct
  124. End If
  125. Return

QXmini51.zip (612.65 KB, 下载次数: 8)


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ID:806933 发表于 2020-7-22 22:52 | 只看该作者
hotpet 你好,看到你发的BASCOM 贴我很高兴,希望能加你 QQ

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ID:806933 发表于 2020-7-22 22:52 | 只看该作者
hotpet 你好,看到你发的 BASCOM 贴很想和你联系一下 请加我QQ 976086284

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