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Arduino机械学习笔记05( AVR 中断、串口等知识)

在学习 GRBL 中,涉及到很多 AVR 中断、串口等相关知识。参考资料 MAKE:AVR PROGRAMMING

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AVR 中断


使用中断,而不是 polling (轮询方式),

One problem with polling in event loops is that there’s no concept of priority.

Handling multiple jobs at once is where interrupts excel.
Interrupts do just what they sound like—they interrupt the normal flow of the program.
When an interrupt is triggered, all of the variables that you’re using are stashed in memory and then a special function, called an interrupt service routine (ISRs), is run.

There are two flavors of external interrupts: the fancy interrupts, INT0 and INT1, and the pin-change interrupts.

The INT0 interrupt mechanism has more versatile triggering possibilities, allowing you trigger the interrupt on a rising voltage, a falling voltage, any change, or continuously for a low-voltage level.
there are only two of
these type interrupts: INT0 and INT1, on pins PD2 and PD3.

The PCINT system, on the other hand, allows you to treat every I/O pin on the AVR as an interrupt source if you so desire, but only detects changes (not their direction.

The pin-change interrupts are grouped together in banks, so it’s more accurate to say that there’s a pin-change interrupt for the “B” pins, one for the “C” pins, and one for the “D” pins.
We use pinmask registers to select which of the pins from within the bank we want to trigger the interrupt.

ISRs are special routines that run when their interrupt flag is set, and their interrupt vector is called.
这里,vector 表示 8位 无符号数,是地址。

Pin-Change Interrupt Example


void initPinChangeInterrupt18(void){
PCICR |= (1 << PCIE2); /* set pin-change interrupt for D pins */

PCMSK2 |= (1 << PCINT18); /* set mask to look for PCINT18 / PD2 */

// PCMSK2 |= (1 << PD2); /* this will also work for the pin mask */

sei(); /* set (global) interrupt enable bit */

we’ll need to tell the AVR which pins we’d like for it to watch specifically.
This is done through the pin mask, which is just a normal 8-bit byte where the corresponding bit is set for each pin we’d like to be able to trigger the interrupt.

So if we want to trigger on PD2 and PD4, we can set the pin mask one of two ways.
We can either use the pins’ PCINTxx aliases, or the normal PD2 type pin references.
For instance:

PCMSK2 |= ( (1 << PCINT18) | (1 << PCINT20) );


PCMSK2 |= ( (1 << PD2) | (1 << PD4) );

both do the same thing: configure the pin-change interrupt to trigger if either PD2 and PD4 changes state.


AVR 定时







  TV: 所想要设定的定时时间,单位,us
      F: 晶振频率(MHz)
    N: 分频因子

void init_timer1()
    //TCCR1A T/C1控制寄存器A
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    // | COM1A1| COM1A0| COM1B1| COM1B0| COM1C1| COM1C0| WGM11 | WGM10 |
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    //TCCR1B T/C1控制寄存器B
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    // | ICNC1 | ICES1 |   -   | WGM13 | WGM12 |CS12 |CS11 |CS10 |
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    //TCCR1C T/C1控制寄存器C
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    // | FOC1A | FOC1B | FOC1C |   -   |   -   |   -   |   -   |   -   |
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    // COM1A1,COM1A0:通道A的比较输出模式
    // COM1B1,COM1B0:通道B的比较输出模式
    // COM1C1,COM1C0:通道C的比较输出模式
    // WGM13,WGM12,WGM11,WGM10:波型发生模式:
    //            比较输出模式(CTC模式),非PWM
    //                  00普通端口操作,OC1A/OC1B/OC1C未连接
    //                  01比较匹配时OC1A/OC1B/OC1C电平取反
    //                  10比较匹配时清零OC1A/OC1B/OC1C(输出低电平)
    //                  11比较匹配时置位OC1A/OC1B/OC1C(输出高电平)
    //            比较输出模式(CTC模式),快速PWM
    //                  00普通端口操作,OC1A/OC1B/OC1C未连接
    //                  01WGM13为0时同上,为1时 比较匹配时 OC1A电平取反,OC1B/OC1C保留
    //                  10比较匹配时OC1A/OC1B/OC1C清零,在TOP时OC1A/OC1B/OC1C置位
    //                  11比较匹配时OC1A/OC1B/OC1C置位,在TOP时OC1A/OC1B/OC1C清零
    //            比较输出模式(CTC模式),相位修正及相频修正PWM
    //                  00普通端口操作,OC1A/OC1B/OC1C未连接
    //                  01WGM13为0:同上,为1时 比较匹配时 OC1A电平取反,OC1B/OC1C保留
    //                  10升序计数匹配时将OC1A/OC1B/OC1C清零,降序计数匹配时将OC1A/OC1B/OC1C置位
    //                  11升序计数匹配时将OC1A/OC1B/OC1C置位,降序计数匹配时将OC1A/OC1B/OC1C清零
    //   模式 WGM1x   工作模式说明   TOP   OCR1x更新时刻TOVn置位时刻
    //   0   0000       普通模式    0xFFFF      立即            MAX
    //   1   0001   8位相位修正PWM0x00FF         TOP         BOTTOM
    //   2   0010   9位相位修正PWM0x01FF         TOP         BOTTOM
    //   3   001110位相位修正PWM0x03FF         TOP         BOTTOM
    //   4   0100            CTC   OCRnA      立即            MAX
    //   5   0101       8位快速PWM0x00FF         TOP            TOP
    //   6   0110       9位快速PWM0x01FF         TOP            TOP
    //   7   0111      10位快速PWM0x03FF         TOP            TOP
    //   8   1000相位频率修正PWM    ICRn      BOTTOM         BOTTOM
    //   9   1001相位频率修正PWM   OCRnA      BOTTOM         BOTTOM
    //    10   1010      相位修正PWM    ICRn         TOP         BOTTOM
    //    11   1011      相位修正PWM   OCRnA         TOP         BOTTOM
    //    12   1100            CTC    ICRn      立即            MAX
    //    13   1101             保留      -          -               -
    //    14   1110          快速PWM    ICRn         TOP            TOP
    //    15   1111          快速PWM   OCRnA         TOP            TOP
    // ICNC1:使能/禁止输入捕捉噪声抑制器
    // ICES1:输入捕获触发沿选择,0为下降沿触发,1为上升沿触发

    // CS12,CS11,CS10:T/C0时钟预分频选择
    //            000:无时钟,T/C不工作   001:1/1
    //            010:1/8   011:1/64   100:1/256
    //            101:1/1024110:外部T1脚下降沿驱动    111:外部T1脚上升沿驱动
    // FOC1A,FOC1B,FOC1C:强制输出比较通道A,B,C
    TCCR1A = TCCR1B = TCCR1C = 0;

    //TCNT1H,TCNT1L 定时/计数器1

    //OCR1AH,OCR1AL 输出比较寄存器1A
    //OCR1BH,OCR1BL 输出比较寄存器1B
    //OCR1CH,OCR1CL 输出比较寄存器1C

    //ICR1H,ICR1L 输入捕捉寄存器1



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