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ID:344299 发表于 2018-6-3 22:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

puzel: mov 14h, #12h;       超声波发射持续200ms
here:  cpl p1.0 ;           输出40kHz方波
             nop ;
             nop ;
             nop ;
             djnz 14h,here;
前方测距电路的输入端接单片机P1.0端口,单片机执行上面的程序后,在P1.0端口输出一个40kHz的脉冲信号,经过三极管T放大,驱动超声波发射头UCM40T,发出40kHz的脉冲超声波,且持续发射200ms。右侧和左侧测 距电路的输入端分别接P1.1和P1.2端口,工作原理与前方测距电路相同。
接收头采用与发射头配对的UCM40R,将超声波调制脉冲变为交变电压信号,经运算放大器IC1A和IC1B两极放大后加至IC2。IC2是带有锁 定环的音频译码集成块LM567,内部的压控振荡器的中心频率f0=1/1.1R8C3,电容C4决定其锁定带宽。调节R8在发射的载频上,则LM567输入信号大于25mV,输出端8脚由高电平跃变为低电平,作为中断请求信号,送至单片机处理。
receive1:push psw
              push acc
              clr ex1 ;           关外部中断1
              jnb p1.1, right ;   P1.1引脚为0,转至右测距电路中断服务程序
              jnb p1.2, left ;    P1.2引脚为0,转至左测距电路中断服务程序
return:    SETB EX1;           开外部中断1
              pop acc
              pop psw
right:     ... ;                    右测距电路中断服务程序入口
              ajmp return
left:        ... ;                  左测距电路中断服务程序入口
              ajmp return


                      PUSH ACC
                      CLR EX0 ;            关外部中断0
                      MOV R7, TH0 ;        读取时间值
                      MOV R6, TL0
                      CLR C
                      MOV A, R6
                      SUBB A, #0BBH;      计算时间差
                      MOV 31H, A ;         存储结果
                      MOV A, R7
                      SUBB A, #3CH
                      MOV 30H, A
                      SETB EX0 ;           开外部中断0
                      POP ACC
                      POP PSW
软件分为两部分,主程序和中断服务程序,如图3(a)(b)(c) 所示。主程序完成初始化工作、各路超声波发射和接收顺序的控制。
思考:至于为什么接收不用晶体管做放大电路呢,因为放大倍数搞不好,CX20106集成放大电路,还带自动电平增益控制,放大倍数为76dB,中心频率是38k到40k,刚好是超声波传感器的谐振频率 。

Ultrasonic Distance  Meter
Publication Date:08/15/1995  Primary Examiner: Lobo, Ian J.

Abstract: An ultrasonic distance metercancels out the effects of temperature and humidity variations by including ameasuring unit and a reference unit. In each of the units, a repetitive seriesof pulses is generated, each having a repetition rate directly related to therespective distance between an electroacoustic transmitter and anelectroacoustic receiver. The pulse trains are provided to respective counters,and the ratio of the counter outputs is utilized to determine the distancebeing measured.
Keywords: Ultrasonic; Range finder; Singlechip.

This invention relates to apparatus for themeasurement of distance and, more particularly, to such apparatus whichtransmits ultrasonic waves between two points. Precision machine tools must becalibrated. In the past, this has been accomplished utilizing mechanicaldevices such as calipers, micrometers, and the like. However, the use of suchdevices does not readily lend itself to automation techniques. It is known thatthe distance between two points can be determined by measuring the propagationtime of a wave travelling between those two points. One such type of wave is anultrasonic, or acoustic, wave. When an ultrasonic wave travels between two points,the distance between the two points can be measured by multiplying the transittime of the wave by the wave velocity in the medium separating the two points.It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide apparatusutilizing ultrasonic waves to accurately measure the distance between twopoints.

When the medium between the two points whose spacingis being measured is air, the sound velocity is dependent upon the temperatureand humidity of the air. It is therefore a further object of the,presentinvention to provide apparatus of the type described which is independent oftemperature and humidity variations.


The foregoing and additional objects are attained inaccordance with the principles of this invention by providing distancemeasuring apparatus which includes a reference unit and a measuring unit. Thereference and measuring units are the same and each includes an electroacoustictransmitter and an electroacoustic receiver. The spacing between the transmitterand the receiver of the reference unit is a fixed reference distance, whereasthe spacing between the transmitter and receiver of the measuring unit is thedistance to be measured. In each of the units, the transmitter and receiver arecoupled by a feedback loop which causes the transmitter to generate an acousticpulse which is received by the receiver and converted into an electrical pulsewhich is then fed back to the transmitter, so that a repetitive series ofpulses results. The repetition rate of the pulses is inversely related to thedistance between the transmitter and the receiver. In each of the units, thepulses are provided to a counter. Since the reference distance is known, theratio of the counter outputs is utilized to determine the desired distance tobe measured. Since both counts are identically influenced by temperature andhumidity variations, by taking the ratio of the counts, the resultantmeasurement becomes insensitive to such variations.

A.principle of ultrasonic distance measurement
1.the principle of piezoelectric ultrasonic generator

Piezoelectric ultrasonic generator is the use ofpiezoelectric crystal resonators to work. Ultrasonic generator, the internalstructure as shown in Figure 1, it has two piezoelectric chip and a resonanceplate. When it's two plus pulse signal, the frequency equal to the intrinsicpiezoelectric oscillation frequency chip, the chip will happen piezoelectricresonance, and promote the development of plate vibration resonance, ultrasoundis generated. Conversely, if the two are not inter-electrode voltage, when theboard received ultrasonic resonance, it will be for vibration suppression ofpiezoelectric chip, the mechanical energy is converted to electrical signals,then it becomes the ultrasonic receiver.

The traditional way to determine the moment of the echo'sarrival is based on thresholding the received signal with a fixed reference.The threshold is chosen well above the noise level, whereas the moment ofarrival of an echo is defined as the first moment the echo signal surpassesthat threshold. The intensity of an echo reflecting from an object stronglydepends on the object's nature, size and distance from the sensor. Further, thetime interval from the echo's starting point to the moment when it surpassesthe threshold changes with the intensity of the echo. As a consequence, aconsiderable error may occur Even two echoes with different intensitiesarriving exactly at the same time will surpass the threshold at differentmoments. The stronger one will surpass the threshold earlier than the weaker,so it will be considered as belonging to a nearer object.

2.the principle of ultrasonic distance measurement

Ultrasonic transmitter in a direction to launchultrasound, in the moment to launch the beginning of time at the same time, thespread of ultrasound in the air, obstacles on his way to return immediately,the ultrasonic reflected wave received by the receiver immediately stop theclock. Ultrasound in the air as the propagation velocity of 340m / s, accordingto the timer records the time t, we can calculate the distance between thelaunch distance barrier (s), that is: s = 340t / 2

B. Ultrasonic Ranging System for the Second CircuitDesign

System is characterized by single-chip microcomputerto control the use of ultrasonic transmitter and ultrasonic receiver since thelaunch from time to time, single-chip selection of 8751, economic-to-use, andthe chip has 4K of ROM, to facilitate programming. Circuit schematic diagramshown in Figure 2. Draw only the front range of the circuit wiring diagram,left and right in front of Ranging Ranging circuits and the same circuit, it isomitted.

1.40 kHz ultrasonic pulse generated with the launch

Ranging system using the ultrasonic sensor ofpiezoelectric ceramic sensors UCM40, its operating voltage of the pulse signalis 40kHz, which by the single-chip implementation of the following proceduresto generate.

puzel: mov 14h, # 12h; ultrasonic firingcontinued 200ms
here: cpl p1.0; output 40kHz square wave
              djnz 14h, here;

Ranging in front of single-chip termination circuitP1.0 input port, single chip implementation of the above procedure, the P1.0port in a 40kHz pulse output signal, after amplification transistor T, thedrive to launch the first ultrasonic UCM40T, issued 40kHz ultrasonic pulse, andthe continued launch of 200ms. Ranging the right and the left side of thecircuit, respectively, then input port P1.1 and P1.2, the working principle andcircuit in front of the same location.

2.reception and processing of ultrasonic

Used to receive the first launch of the first pairUCM40R, the ultrasonic pulse modulation signal into an alternating voltage, theop-amp amplification IC1A and after polarization IC1B to IC2. IC2 is lockedloop with audio decoder chip LM567, internal voltage-controlled oscillatorcenter frequency of f0 = 1/1.1R8C3, capacitor C4 determine their targetbandwidth. R8-conditioning in the launch of the carrier frequency on the LM567input signal is greater than 25mV, the output from the high jump 8 feet into alow-level, as interrupt request signals to the single-chip processing.

Ranging in front of single-chip termination circuitoutput port INT0 interrupt the highest priority, right or left location of theoutput circuit with output gate IC3A access INT1 port single-chip, whilesingle-chip P1.3 and P1. 4 received input IC3A, interrupted by the process toidentify the source of inquiry to deal with, interrupt priority level for thefirst left right after. Part of the source code is as follows:

receive1: push psw
                  push acc
                  clr ex1; related externalinterrupt 1
                  jnb p1.1, right; P1.1 pin to0, ranging from right to interrupt service routine circuit
                  jnb p1.2, left; P1.2 pin to0, to the left ranging circuit interrupt service routine
return: SETB EX1; open external interrupt 1
                  pop  acc
                  pop  psw
right: ...?; right location entrancecircuit interrupt service routine
                  Ajmp  Return
left: ...; left Ranging entrance circuitinterrupt service routine
                    Ajmp  Return
3. the calculation of ultrasonic propagation time

When you start firing at the same time start thesingle-chip circuitry within the timer T0, the use of timer counting functionrecords the time and the launch of ultrasonic reflected wave received time.When you receive the ultrasonic reflected wave, the receiver circuit outputs anegative jump in the end of INT0 or INT1 interrupt request generates a signal,single-chip microcomputer in response to external interrupt request, theimplementation of the external interrupt service subroutine, read the timedifference, calculating the distance . Some of its source code is as follows:

                       PUSH ACC
                       CLR EX0; relatedexternal interrupt 0
                       MOV R7, TH0; read thetime value
                       MOV R6, TL0  
                       CLR C
                       MOV A, R6
                       SUBB A, # 0BBH; calculate the time difference
                       MOV 31H, A; storageresults
                       MOV A, R7
                       SUBB A, # 3CH
                       MOV 30H, A  
                       SETB EX0; open externalinterrupt 0
                       POP ACC  
                       POP PSW

For a flattarget, a distance measurement consists of two phases: a coarse measurementand. a fine measurement:

Step 1:Transmission of one pulse train to produce a simple ultrasonic wave.

Step 2:Changing the gain of both echo amplifiers according to equation , until theecho is detected.

Step 3:Detection of the amplitudes and zero-crossing times of both echoes.

Step 4:Setting the gains of both echo amplifiers to normalize the output at, say 3volts. Setting the period of the next pulses according to the : period ofechoes. Setting the time window according to the data of step 2.

Step 5:Sending two pulse trains to produce an interfered wave. Testing thezero-crossing times and amplitudes of the echoes. If phase inversion occurs inthe echo, determine to otherwise calculate to by interpolation using theamplitudes near the trough. Derive t sub m1 and t sub m2 .

Step 6:Calculation of the distance y using equation .

D. Fourth, the ultrasonicranging system software design

Software is divided into two parts, the main programand interrupt service routine, shown in Figure 3 (a) (b) (c) below. Completionof the work of the main program is initialized, each sequence of ultrasonictransmitting and receiving control.

Interrupt service routines from time to time tocomplete three of the rotation direction of ultrasonic launch, the mainexternal interrupt service subroutine to read the value of completion time,distance calculation, the results of the output and so on..

System initialization after the start timer T1 startscounting from 0 to enter the main program to wait for the T1 overflow into theT1 interrupt service routine when the time is reached; T1 interrupt serviceroutine will start a new ultrasonic transmitting, the square wave will begenerated in the P1.0 pin at the same time open the timer T0 timing, in orderto avoid the diffraction of the direct wave, the delay 1ms and then, after theINT0 interrupt Enable; the INT0 interrupt to allow open, if thisoccurs when thelow is representative of the received echo signal, the interrupt request toINT0 interrupt service routine, the INT0 interrupt service routine will stopthe timer T0 timing, read the time value of T0 timer to the appropriate storagearea.set to receive a sign of success; main program detects reception hallmarksof success, the temperature subroutine is called, collecting the ambienttemperature when the ultrasonic ranging, and converted the accurate speed ofsound stored in RAM storage unit; SCM calls the distance calculationsubroutineto calculate, calculate the distance between the sensor to the target object;since the main program calls the display subroutine to display; aftercompletion of the first launch, receive, display, the system will delay 100msre-T1 set initial value againstart T1 to overflow into the next ranging. If theobstacle is too far beyond the range that T0 overflow has not yet received echo"ERROR" is displayed back to the main flow into a new round of tests.


Required measuring range of 30cm ~ 200cm objectsinside the plane to do a number of measurements found that the maximum error is0.5cm, and good reproducibility. Single-chip design can be seen on theultrasonic ranging system has a hardware structure is simple, reliable, smallfeatures such as measurement error. Therefore, it can be used not only formobile robot can be used in other detection systems.

Thoughts: As for why the receiver do not have thetransistor amplifier circuit, because the magnification well, CX20106integrated amplifier, but also with automatic gain control level, magnificationto 76dB, the center frequency is 38k to 40k, is exactly resonant ultrasonicsensors frequency.

超声波测距仪.doc (69.5 KB, 下载次数: 45)

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