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ID:251144 发表于 2018-1-31 19:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
#include <Servo.h>
int pinLB = 12;     // define pin 12
int pinLF = 3;     // define pin 3
int pinRB = 13;    // define pin 13
int pinRF = 11;    // define pin 11
int inputPin = 4;    // define pin for sensor echo
int outputPin =5;    // define pin for sensor trig
int Fspeedd = 0;      // forward speed
int Rspeedd = 0;      // right speed
int Lspeedd = 0;      // left speed
int directionn = 0;   // forward=8 backward=2 left=4 right=6
Servo myservo;        // set myservo
int delay_time = 250; // settling time after steering servo motor moving B
int Fgo = 8;         // Move F
int Rgo = 6;         // move to the R
int Lgo = 4;         // move to the L
int Bgo = 2;         // move B
int Bluetooth_val;   //
void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600);     // Define motor output pin
  pinMode(pinLB,OUTPUT); // pin 12
  pinMode(pinLF,OUTPUT); // pin 3 (PWM)
  pinMode(pinRB,OUTPUT); // pin 13
  pinMode(pinRF,OUTPUT); // pin 11 (PWM)
  pinMode(inputPin, INPUT);    // define input pin for sensor
  pinMode(outputPin, OUTPUT);  // define output pin for sensor   
  myservo.attach(9);    // Define servo motor output pin to D9 (PWM)
void advance()     // move forward
  digitalWrite(pinLB,LOW);    // right wheel moves forward
  digitalWrite(pinRB, LOW);  // left wheel moves forward
void stopp()         // stop
void right()        // turn right (single wheel)
  digitalWrite(pinLB,HIGH);  // wheel on the left moves forward
  digitalWrite(pinRB,LOW); // wheel on the right moves backward
  analogWrite(pinLF, 255);
void left()         // turn left (single wheel)
  digitalWrite(pinLB,LOW);  // wheel on the left moves backward
  digitalWrite(pinRB,HIGH); // wheel on the right moves forward
  analogWrite(pinLF, 255);

void back()          // move backward
   digitalWrite(pinLB,HIGH);  // motor moves to left rear
   digitalWrite(pinRB,HIGH);  // motor moves to right rear
void detection()        // measure 3 angles (0.90.179)
    int delay_time = 250;   // stabilizing time for servo motor after moving backward
    ask_pin_F();            // read the distance ahead
    if(Fspeedd < 10)         // if distance ahead is <10cm
       stopp();               // clear data
       back();                // move backward for 0.2S
     if(Fspeedd < 25)         // if distance ahead is <25cm
        delay(100);             // clear data
        ask_pin_L();            // read distance on the left
        delay(delay_time);      // stabilizing time for servo motor
        ask_pin_R();            // read distance on the right  
        delay(delay_time);      // stabilizing time for servo motor  

        if(Lspeedd > Rspeedd)   // if distance on the left is >distance on the right
          directionn = Lgo;      // move to the L
         if(Lspeedd <= Rspeedd)   // if distance on the left is <= distance on the right
         directionn = Rgo;      // move to the right
        if (Lspeedd < 10 && Rspeedd < 10)   // if distance on left and right are both <10cm
         directionn = Bgo;      // move backward        
      else                      // if distance ahead is >25cm     
        directionn = Fgo;        // move forward      
void ask_pin_F()   // measure the distance ahead
  digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW);   // ultrasonic sensor transmit low level signal 2渭s
  digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH);  // ultrasonic sensor transmit high level signal10渭s, at least 10渭s
  digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW);    // keep transmitting low level signal
  float Fdistance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH);  // read the time in between
  Fdistance= Fdistance/5.8/10;       // convert time into distance (unit: cm)
  Fspeedd = Fdistance;              // read the distance into Fspeedd
  Serial.print("Fspeedd = ");
  Serial.print(Fspeedd );
  Serial.println("  cm");   delay(1);

void ask_pin_L()   // measure distance on the left
  digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW);   // ultrasonic sensor transmit low level signal 2渭s
  digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH);  // ultrasonic sensor transmit high level signal10渭s, at least 10渭s
  digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW);    // keep transmitting low level signal
  float Ldistance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH);  // read the time in between
  Ldistance= Ldistance/5.8/10;       // convert time into distance (unit: cm)
  Lspeedd = Ldistance;              // read the distance into Lspeedd
  Serial.print("Lspeedd = ");
  Serial.print(Lspeedd );
  Serial.print("  cm  ");delay(1);

void ask_pin_R()   //  measure distance on the right
  digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW);   // ultrasonic sensor transmit low level signal 2渭s
  digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH);  // ultrasonic sensor transmit high level signal10渭s, at least 10渭s
  digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW);    // keep transmitting low level signal
  float Rdistance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH);  // read the time in between
  Rdistance= Rdistance/5.8/10;       // convert time into distance (unit: cm)
  Rspeedd = Rdistance;              // read the distance into Rspeedd
  Serial.print(" Rspeedd = ");
  Serial.print(Rspeedd );
  Serial.println("  cm");
void Ultrasonic_car()
  while(Bluetooth_val != 'E')
       Bluetooth_val = Serial.read();
       myservo.write(90);  // home set the servo motor, ready for next measurement
        detection();        // measure the angle and determine which direction to move   
        if(directionn == 2)  // if directionn= 2            
           delay(800);                    //  go backward
           left() ;      
           delay(200);              // Move slightly to the left (to prevent stuck in dead end)
       if(directionn == 6)           // if directionn = 6   
          delay(600);                 // turn right
       if(directionn == 4)          // if directionn = 4   
          delay(600);                  // turn left
       if(directionn == 8)          // if directionn = 8      
          advance();       // move forward  
void Bluetooth_car()
  while(Bluetooth_val != 'E')
    if (Serial.available())
        Bluetooth_val = Serial.read();
        if(Bluetooth_val == 'U')advance();
        if(Bluetooth_val == 'D')back();
        if(Bluetooth_val == 'L')left() ;
        if(Bluetooth_val == 'R')right();
        if(Bluetooth_val == 'S')stopp();

void loop()
   if (Serial.available())
     Bluetooth_val = Serial.read();
     if(Bluetooth_val == '1')  Bluetooth_car();    //当蓝牙输入E时,退出蓝牙模式
     if(Bluetooth_val == '2')  Ultrasonic_car();   //当蓝牙输入E时,退出超声波模式


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