- {..............................................................................}
- { Summary }
- { Converts a monochrome image as a PCB Logo into a series of thin }
- { PCB tracks that can be placed on a PCB document as a logo. }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 2008 by Altium Limited }
- { }
- { Version 1.5 }
- { }
- { Changes For Version 1.5 }
- { - Fix off by one errors accessing Canvas.Pixels }
- { - Make more tolerant of non-monochrome images, now tracks are created at }
- { the boundary of white and non-white pixels }
- { - Use user customized layer names }
- {..............................................................................}
- Var
- gvBoard : IPCB_Board;
- {......................................................................................................................}
- Procedure RunConverterScript;
- Begin
- ConverterForm.ShowModal;
- End;
- {......................................................................................................................}
- {......................................................................................................................}
- Procedure PlaceATrack(ABoard : IPCB_Board; X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : TCoord; ALayer : TLayer, AWidth : Float);
- Var
- PCBTrack : IPCB_Track;
- Sheet : IPCB_Sheet;
- OffSet : TCoord;
- Begin
- // obtain the coordinates of the sheet so can place logo within the board
- Sheet := ABoard.PCBSheet;
- OffSet := MilsToCoord(100);
- // place a new track on the blank PCB
- PCBTrack := PCBServer.PCBObjectFactory(eTrackObject, eNoDimension, eCreate_Default);
- PCBTrack.Width := MilsToCoord(1) * AWidth;
- PCBTrack.X1 := Sheet.SheetX + MilsToCoord(X1) + Offset;
- PCBTrack.Y1 := Sheet.SheetY + MilsToCoord(Y1) + Offset;
- PCBTrack.X2 := Sheet.SheetX + MilsToCoord(X2) + Offset;
- PCBTrack.Y2 := Sheet.SheetY + MilsToCoord(Y2) + Offset;
- PCBTrack.Layer := ALayer;
- ABoard.AddPCBObject(PCBTrack);
- End;
- {......................................................................................................................}
- {......................................................................................................................}
- Procedure ScalingFactorChange(Dummy : TObject);
- Begin
- ConverterForm.lImageSize.Caption := FloatToStr((ConverterForm.Image1.Picture.Width + 1) * ConverterForm.eScalingFactor.Text) + ' x ' +
- FloatToStr((ConverterForm.Image1.Picture.Height + 1) * ConverterForm.eScalingFactor.Text) + ' mils';
- End;
- {......................................................................................................................}
- {......................................................................................................................}
- Procedure TConverterForm.eScalingFactorChange(Sender: TObject);
- Begin
- ScalingFactorChange(Nil);
- End;
- {......................................................................................................................}
- {......................................................................................................................}
- Procedure TConverterForm.loadbuttonClick(Sender: TObject);
- Var
- I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- If OpenPictureDialog1.Execute then
- Begin
- XPProgressBar1.Position := 0;
- XStatusBar1.SimpleText := ' Loading...';
- XStatusBar1.Update;
- // loading a monochrome bitmap only
- Image1.Picture.LoadFromFile(OpenPictureDialog1.FileName);
- // Check if image is monochrome, otherwise prompt a warning
- If Image1.Picture.Bitmap.PixelFormat <> pf1bit Then
- Begin
- For J := 0 to Image1.Picture.Height - 1 Do
- For I := 0 to Image1.Picture.Height - 1 Do
- Begin
- If Image1.Canvas.Pixels[I,J] <> clWhite Then
- Image1.Canvas.Pixels[I,J] := clBlack;
- End;
- End;
- ScalingFactorChange(Nil);
- convertbutton.Enabled := True;
- LoadButton.Enabled := False;
- XStatusBar1.SimpleText := ' Ready...';
- XStatusBar1.Update;
- End;
- End;
- {......................................................................................................................}
- {......................................................................................................................}
- procedure TConverterForm.ConverterFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- // Create a standalone blank PCB document and add the new logo to it
- // from the PCBLogoContainer d.s.
- CreateNewDocumentFromDocumentKind('PCB');
- // GetCurrentPCBBoard returns a IPCB_Board type.
- gvBoard := PCBServer.GetCurrentPCBBoard;
- If gvBoard = Nil Then
- Begin
- ShowWarning('A PCB document is not created properly.');
- ShowModal := mrError;
- End
- Else
- SetupComboBoxFromLayer(ComboBoxLayers, gvBoard);
- end;
- {......................................................................................................................}
- {......................................................................................................................}
- Procedure TConverterForm.convertbuttonClick(Sender: TObject);
- Var
- x, y, x1, FlipY, FlipX : Integer;
- PixelColor : TColor;
- Start : Boolean;
- //PCBBoard : IPCB_Board;
- PCBLayer : TLayer;
- TrackWidth : Integer;
- Begin
- Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
- XPProgressBar1.Max := Image1.Picture.Height;
- PCBLayer := GetLayerFromComboBox(ComboBoxLayers, gvBoard);
- TrackWidth := StrToFloat(eScalingFactor.Text);
- // ensure the layer selected is displayed in the PCB workspace
- gvBoard.LayerIsDisplayed[PCBLayer] := True;
- For Y := 0 to Image1.Picture.Height - 1 Do
- Begin
- XPProgressBar1.Position := Y;
- XPProgressBar1.Update;
- XStatusBar1.SimpleText := ' Converting...';
- XStatusBar1.Update;
- If (cbMirrorY.Checked) Then
- FlipY := Y
- Else
- FlipY := Abs(Y - Image1.Picture.Height - 1);
- FlipY := FlipY * StrToFloat(eScalingFactor.Text);
- // Denotes the start of a line on a row of an image
- Start := False;
- For X := 0 To Image1.Picture.Width Do
- Begin
- If (cbNegative.Checked) Then
- PixelColor := clBlack
- Else
- PixelColor := clWhite;
- If X < Image1.Picture.Width Then
- PixelColor := Image1.Canvas.Pixels[x,y];
- If cbMirrorX.Checked Then
- FlipX := abs(X - Image1.Picture.Width)
- Else
- FlipX := X;
- FlipX := FlipX * StrToFloat(eScalingFactor.Text);
- If (cbNegative.Checked) Then
- Begin
- Case PixelColor Of
- clWhite :
- If Not (Start) Then
- Begin
- x1 := FlipX;
- Start := True;
- End;
- Else
- Begin
- If (Start) Then
- PlaceATrack(gvBoard, X1,FlipY,FlipX,FlipY, PCBLayer, TrackWidth);
- Start := False;
- End;
- End;
- End
- Else
- Begin
- Case PixelColor Of
- clWhite:
- Begin
- If (Start) Then
- PlaceATrack(gvBoard, X1,FlipY,FlipX,FlipY, PCBLayer, TrackWidth);
- Start := False;
- End;
- Else
- If Not (Start) Then
- Begin
- x1 := FlipX;
- Start := True;
- End;
- End;
- End;
- End;
- End;
- Screen.Cursor := crArrow;
- XStatusBar1.SimpleText := ' Done...';
- XStatusBar1.Update;
- // toggle buttons
- ConvertButton.Enabled := False;
- LoadButton.Enabled := True;
- // clear out progress bar
- XPProgressBar1.Position := 0;
- XPProgressBar1.Update;
- //clear out image
- Image1.Picture.Bitmap := nil;
- Client.SendMessage('PCB:Zoom', 'Action=All' , 255, Client.CurrentView);
- End;
- {......................................................................................................................}
- {......................................................................................................................}
- Procedure TConverterForm.exitbuttonClick(Sender: TObject);
- Begin
- Close;
- End;
- {......................................................................................................................}
Logo Creator.zip
(60.8 KB, 下载次数: 30)