#include <reg51. h>
#include <intrins. h>
#include <LCD1602.h>
#include "BH1750. h"
#include "keys. h"
/*Declare SFR associated with the PCA */
sfr CCON=0xD8; //PCA control register
sbit CCF0=CCON^0; //PCA module-0 interrupt flag
sbit CCF1=CCON^1; //PCA module- 1 interrupt flag
sbit CR=CCON^6; //PCA timer run control bit
sbit CF=CCON^7; //PCA timer overflow flag
sfr CMOD=0xD9; //PCA mode register
sfr CL=0xE9; //PCA base timer LOW
sfr CH=0xF9; //PCA base timer HIGH
sfr CCAPMO=0xDA; //PCA module-0 mode regi ster
sfr CCAPOL=0xEA; //PCA module-0 capture register LOW
sfr CCAPOH=0xFA; //PCA module 0 capture register HIGH
sfr CCAPM1=0xDB; //PCA module-1 mode register
sfr CCAP1L=0xEB; //PCA module-1 capture register LOW
sfr CCAP1H=0xFB; //PCA module-1 capture register HIGH
sfr PCAPWMO=0xf2;
sfr PCAPWM1=0xf3;
uchar BH1750_ Con=0;
uchar BH1750_ Change=0;
uchar View_ Change=0;
void InitTimer0 (void)
TMOD = 0x01;
THO = 0xD8;
TL0 = 0xF0;
ETO = 1;
void PWM_ Init()
CCON = 0; //Initial PCA control register
CL= 0; //Reset PCA base timer
CMOD = 0x02; //Set PCA timer clock source as Fosc/2
CCAPOH = CCAPOL = 128; //PWMO port output 50% duty cycle square
CCAPMO = 0x42; //PCA module-0 work in 8-bit PWM mode
and no PCA interrupt
CR=1; //PCA timer start run
//PCA timer start run
uint Light_ Set=2000;
uchar Set_ Value_ View[7];
uint Bijiao_ Num_ Collect=0;
uint Bijiao_ Num_ Set=0;
void main()
PWM_ Init(); //PWM ???
InitLcd() ; //?????
InitTimer0(); //??????
Lcd_ 1602_ word(0x80, 6, "Light:");
Lcd_ 1602_ _word(0xc0, 16, "L_ Set:2000XL");
if(Key_ Change) //? ?????
Key_ _Change=0;
if(Key_ Value==1) //?? ?+
if (Light_ _Set<60000)
Light_ Set=Light_ Set+100;
if(Light_ Set>1000) //?? ?-
Light_ Set=Light_ Set-100;
Set_ _Value_ View[O]=Light_ Set/10000+0x30;
Set_ Value_ View[1]=Light_ Set%10000/ 1000+0x30;
Set_ Value_ View[2]=Light_ Set%1000/ 100+0x30;
Set_ Value_ View[3]=Light_ Set%100/ 10+0x30;
Set_ Value_ View[4]=Light_ Set%10+0x30;
Set_ Value_ View[5]='X';
Set_ Value_ View[6]=' L' ;
if(Set_ _Value_ View[0]==0x30)
Set_ Value_ View[0]='' ;
if (Set_Value_ View[1]==0x30)
Set_ Value_ View[1]='' ;
if (Set_Value_ View[2]==0x30)
Set_ Value_ View[2]='' ;
if (Set_Value_ View[3]==0x30)
Set_ Value_ View[3]='' ;
if (Set_Value_ View[4]==0x30)
Set_ Value_ View[4]='' ;
Lcd_ 1602_ word(0xc9, 7, Set_Value_View) ;
if (BH1750_Change) //? ???????
BH1750_ Change=0;
Read_ LightValue();
Lcd_ 1602_ _word(0x89, 7, Light_ Value_ View);
Bi jiao_ Num_ Collect=BH1750_ Data;
Bijiao_ Num_ Set=Light_ Set;
Bijiao_ Num_ Collect=Bijiao_ Num_ _Collect/100;
Bijiao_ _Num_ Set=Bijiao_ Num_ Set/100; .
if((Bijiao_ _Num_ _Collect<(Bijiao_ Num_ Set-1))|| (Bijiao_ _Num_ _Collect<10))
if (CCAPOH>2)
if(Bijiao_ _Num_ Collect>(Bijiao_ Num_ Set+1))//????
if (CCAPOH<253)
void Timer0Interrupt (void) interrupt 1
THO = 0xD8;
TL0 = 0xF0;
Key_ Acquisition(); //????
BH1750_ _Con++;
if (BH1750_ _Con==10)
BH1750_ Con=0;
BH1750_ Change=1;