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作者:佚名   来源:本站原创   点击数:  更新时间:2007年08月25日   【字体:





1.       进程管理( Task Management )

1)       进程类型( Classes of Tasks )

RTX-51 recognizes two classes of tasks:

1.       Fast tasks

n       Contain especially short responses and interrupt disable times.

n       Contain a separate register bank and a separate stack area (register banks 1, 2 and 3).(Figure 1)

n       Contain the highest task priority (priority 3) and can therefore interrupt standard tasks.

n       All contain the same priority and can therefore not be mutually interrupted.

n       Can be interrupted by c51 interrupt functions.

n       A maximum of three fast tasks can be active in the system.


2.       Standard tasks

n       Require somewhat more time for the task switching compared to fast tasks.

n       Share a common register bank and a common stack area (register bank 0).

n       The current contents of registers and stack are stored in the external (XDATA) memory during a task change.

n       Can be interrupted by fast tasks.

n       Can interrupt themselves mutually.

n       Can be interrupt by c51 interrupt functions.

n       A maximum 16 standard tasks can be active in the system.


